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economic woe中文是什么意思

用"economic woe"造句"economic woe"怎么读"economic woe" in a sentence


  • 经济苦难


  • The conventional wisdom still says america won ' t be pulled down by global economic woes
  • He held the position of prime minister in post - civil war lebanon and tried to solve the country ' s economic woes
  • We have made some difficult but necessary moves in the past 18 months as we combat short - term economic woes
  • We have made some difficult but necessary moves in the past 18 months as we combat short - term economic woes
  • Much of japan s economic woes are caused by the instability of its banking system , which is struggling under the weight of a massive burden of non - performing loans
  • Japan saw a surge in the number of suicides in 1998 amid economic woes stemming from high - profile bankruptcies in the financial industry the year before and the annual number of suicides has exceeded 30 , 000 every year since then
    据路透社12月27日报道, 2004年,日本的自杀者达32325人,虽然这一数字比2003年34427人有所减少,但都接近于金融风暴后的1998年32863人。
  • Yet , to an economist , women are not exploited enough : they are the world ' s most under - utilised resource ; getting more of them into work is part of the solution to many economic woes , including shrinking populations and poverty
  • Anticipating economic woes , ri had reduced its budgeted expenses by $ 7 . 0 million ; still , the investment losses , plus a shortfall in ri convention revenue and rising insurance premiums , among other factors , hurt the bottom line , resulting in a loss of $ 7 . 0 million
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